after that disappointing 2:03 in the half, i picked up the pieces and slogged my way through a windy ice storm to run 1:57:01. success!
two days later, i fell in ralston creek on a training run and, according to the doctor, "did major trauma" to my ankle. five weeks of nursing the ankle followed, which meant no training, minimal walking, and no third 20 miler.
i went into the michigan trail marathon last sunday hoping for the best and willing to drop out if my ankle needed it. but i hit the course and magic happened - no ankle pain. maybe the pain of the 80ยบ weather and high humidity just canceled out the ankle.
nonetheless, it was a glorious day on a glorious trail. filled with pain and doubt and utterly triumphant in the end. just like life.
so where does this chapter of my running life end? with a seventeenth place finish off of a 5:25.33 and, appropriately, a smile on my face.

happy trails, c.