Monday, February 16, 2009

no news is good news!

hmmmm... long time no write.

i seem to be noticing a pattern. when all is well, i'm too happy to bother writing! training is coming along well. i'm still on the wagon. i'm up to 35 miles a week. and, after the saga of trying to find a neutral trail show, i think i did! i just picked up the montrail streak after reading rave reviews here, here, and here. huge thank yous to ann h. for helping me with the search, drew for putting up with my bitching, and to kara at the scheel's in iowa city for actually having the shoes in stock. i've only done a quick 3 miles in them, but so far so good.

things i'm thankful for this week: my darling husband, my wonderful marriage, my sweetie pie kittens, my sweetie pie daughter, my amazing parents, sister, and bro-in law, my wonderful town, my health, my sanity, my energy, and my future. kisses to all.

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