Tuesday, September 11, 2007

respecting my limits.

after weeks of no sleep, crap food, extra beer, and LOTS of miles, my body gave out.

i awoke friday morning with the cold to end all colds - painful sinuses, running nose, headache, fever, sore throat, chesty cough, you name it. it was bad enough that i still have it. for some reason, i've been under the impression that my body is able to do astonishing things and that, therefore, i don't need to take the same care of it that other mortals do.


i've learned my lesson. my body has spoken and i have heeded its call. i've been doing nothing but sleeping, drinking water and juice, and sleeping some more. with some extra self-love, i was still able to get in my back to back 18 and 10 mile runs this weekend (okay, run/walks) and i'm going to slow dance my way through 4, 6, and 8 this mid-week. with the extra sleep i've been getting and the real food i've been eating, i'm hoping i can make it through the 20-10 i have planned this weekend. we shall see!

but at least i'm starting to respect this ordeal that i put my body through on a regular basis. and i'm willing to accept that my body does have its limits. and as sutherland/bowerman explained, "Be thankful for your limits, Pre, they're about as limitless as they get in this life."

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